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TRB Hutong餐饮管理有限公司

TRB Hutong is the first restaurant established by owner and founder of TRB Hospitality Group, Mr. Ignace Lecleir in 2011. It serves contemporary European cuisine and is committed to providing the highest level of hospitality for our guests. Juxtaposing the old and new Beijing in both ambience and flavors, the restaurant is a delicious reflection of the present day China, with abundance of heritage and development occurring simultaneously.

TRB Hutong是TRB餐饮集团旗下的第一家餐厅,我们在此致力于提供现代欧洲美食,并以最顶级的待客之道欢迎我们的顾客。餐厅优雅巧妙地在食物和环境上融合了传统和创新,如同现代中国一般,在浑厚历史文化作为基础上,倾力绽放出独一无二的风潮。

TRB Hutong加盟店图片一

The restaurant is located inside a historical Temple courtyard-ZiZhuSi that could be dated back to the Qing Dynasty. Interestingly contrasting with its ancient surroundings, the restaurant dining space, once served as the first black-and-white TV factory of Beijing, has been transformed by the Australian architectural and design firm Hassell, to a contemporary and minimalistic setting, emphasizing on the clean, light filled and thoroughly modern lines.

TRB Hutong餐厅所坐落的智珠寺院子可追溯到永乐年间,当时为皇家御用的番经厂和汉经厂,而在1949年建国以后,智珠寺的一部分曾被改建为电视机厂,生产了北京第一台黑白电视机,而也成为TRB Hutong餐厅的前身。餐厅在设计时请来了来自澳大利亚的建筑设计公司Hassel,他们精确的掌握了简洁,光亮和现代线条的演绎,打造出一个简约摩登的用餐空间。室内室外的新旧对比和相互辉映,也成了餐厅的一大亮点。

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TRB Hutong’s kitchen is staffed by a team of dedicated and enthusiastic international and local talents, we aim to relentlessly refine ourselves and takes inspirations from seasonal ingredients and the evolving culinary trends.

We also pride ourselves for the gracious hospitality delivered by our service personnel, each one is thoroughly trained and committed to elevate each dining occasion into a memorable experience for our guests.

TRB Hutong厨师团队中有许多充满激情的本地厨师与来我们的国际厨师们一同激荡出跨文化的美食火花. 在这里,除了鹅肝和牛排以外,客人更可从菜单看到厨师们结合中国当地食材的巧思;我们也不定时的会更新菜单,提供最新鲜,最有意思的料理。我们相信,一顿难以忘怀的用餐,不光是有美食美酒,更需要有最细腻贴心的服务,也因此,我们致力训练餐厅的服务人员, 让他们能时时刻刻对每位客人的需求观察入围,心思细密地地提供最私人化的服务。

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Since opening in 2011, TRB has been recognized for a number of awards from the media,industiy and by our customers. These include the top honors in the Time Out Beijing Food Awards and The Beijinger Reader Restaurant Awards, and acknowledgements from Wine Spectator, The Daily Meal and Trip Advisor.

自从TRB Hutong2011年开业以来就非常荣幸地受到媒体和饕客们的支持,屡屡获得业界认可和奖项。我们对各方的厚爱感到无比感恩,也会将这些肯定转化为驱使我们不断进步的动力。期望未来持续不断的超越自己,为京城带来更多甜美滋味和感官享受。

TRB Hutong项目

TRB Hutong

加盟费用:10-20万 加盟区域:北京 主营产品:中餐 公司名称:TRB Hutong餐饮管理有限公司 成立时间:2015 公司地址:北京


市场前景好 品牌实力雄厚 总部支持力度大 研发能力强 人民需求大

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